Tom Evslin has ten ways to identify whether you are an entrepreneur. Here are some of them:
Arun Natarajan is the Founder & CEO of Venture Intelligence, the leading provider of data and analysis on private company transactions, valuations and financials in India. Click Here to learn about Venture Intelligence products that help entrepreneurs Reach Out to Investors, Research Competition, Learn from Experienced Entrepreneurs and Interact with Peers. Includes the Free Deal Digest Weekly Newsletter: India's First & Most Exhaustive Transactions Newsletter.
10. You can’t bring yourself to call anyone “boss”.
8. Instead of saying “there oughtta be a law”, you say “there could be a business…”
5. Some of your favorite people are VCs (condition applies only after obtaining at least one round of VC funding).
4. Some of your least favorite people are VCs (condition applies only after ATTEMPTING to obtain at least one round of VC funding).
3. You are most likely to start a new business immediately after thinking in the shower.
2. You have to take two zeros OFF the numbers in your business plan or no one will believe it.